5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need Experience in Cybersecurity

Need Experience in Cybersecurity

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need Experience in Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity has been in the news frequently over the past several years, but not all of it has been positive. From the significant number of data breaches that have taken place to the near-constant barrage of ransomware attacks on personal and business computer systems, it’s easy to see why cyber threats are so frightening to businesses, government organizations, and individuals alike. While it can seem like there’s nothing we can do to protect ourselves against cybersecurity threats, that’s simply not true—as long as you know what you’re doing.

Need Experience in Cybersecurity

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need Experience in Cybersecurity

  • 1) The field is evolving quickly
  • 2) People with business degrees are highly valued
  • 3) There are many more entry points than you think
  • 4) It’s not just about programming
  • 5) Knowledge equals opportunity

1) The field is evolving quickly

The cybersecurity industry is changing quickly, meaning that what was true even two years ago isn’t necessarily accurate today. For example, experts were once certain that top-tier companies only considered applicants with at least five years of experience, but now they know that it’s possible to land a job without any real-world experience. Another example:

Some used to think that cybersecurity degree programs weren’t worth pursuing due to their relatively low average salaries and high cost (tuition for top programs is often over $50K). But recent data shows that education in cybersecurity can help give graduates a major leg up when applying for jobs because having formal education—no matter how short—can make candidates stand out among other applicants who lack credentials.

2) People with business degrees are highly valued

Business degrees are highly valued, especially for careers in management and leadership. If you want to jump into cybersecurity from another industry, you’ll likely be competing with candidates who have business degrees. In a crowded field like cybersecurity, having a business degree can help you set yourself apart. Plus, your practical experience may be less valuable when it comes to managing people and projects than someone with an MBA. According to KPMG’s 2018 Global Economic Crime Survey, nearly half of survey respondents believe there is more room for experienced candidates than experienced ones.

It’s becoming clear that organizations don’t always need both years of experience and training; they just need someone who fits their culture and knows how to do their job well. If you’re competing with candidates who have business degrees, you may think that your practical experience isn’t valuable. But it is! Most organizations want experienced employees with a mix of skills and qualifications. Whether it’s 10 years or 10 months, if you can prove that you know how to do your job well and are a good fit for their culture, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to find a role within cybersecurity.

3) There are many more entry points than you think

Most cybersecurity positions require at least a few years of experience, but there are ways to get started with little or no professional training. From nonprofit organizations that rely on volunteers, to free certification courses and contests, there’s an entry point for anyone willing to put in some effort.

There are plenty of organizations dedicated to making sure security practitioners represent all walks of life; if you don’t know where to start, look into The Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu, MentorCloud, and Black Girls Code. Mentors can help you find projects that will be helpful on your resume while giving you practical experience—another step towards your goal.

To make a valuable contribution, you don’t need years of experience. Take a few hours a week to learn something new, volunteer your time, or enter contests and cybersecurity challenges. If you really want to get into cybersecurity but aren’t sure how to get started, start doing research and reach out to security experts with questions. It won’t take long before you find yourself on your way toward building up your professional skill set.

4) It’s not just about programming

So, you don’t have any experience or education in cybersecurity, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a great analyst. Those are excellent qualities for an analyst and there are many entry-level jobs out there that don’t require a degree (or any experience) to do. A lot of companies hire inexperienced workers for their entry-level positions and pay them less, so you may end up being able to find an opening with a reputable firm even if you aren’t technically trained. And remember: One of your most important qualifications will be your enthusiasm for and interest in all things cyber.

If you aren’t a coder, you may be surprised to learn that those are only two of many skills an analyst must possess. Analysts also need strong communication and interpersonal skills, both written and verbal. It’s important to understand how cybersecurity works as well as how social engineering works because an analyst often serves as a liaison between other departments and IT and needs to help team members understand what each group does so they can better work together. And remember: One of your most important qualifications will be your enthusiasm for and interest in all things cyber.

5) Knowledge equals opportunity

First and foremost, it is extremely important to emphasize that a lack of experience does not mean you are unqualified. In fact, a non-technical background might give you a unique perspective or advantage over other applicants. When they conduct their first career search, many cybersecurity professionals follow in their friend’s footsteps and end up working for them (because friends always have openings). The unfortunate problem with following in someone else’s footsteps is that you’re likely to get hired because of who you know – not what you know. If your friend can’t talk your strengths up then no one else will be able to see it either.

It’s often said that an employee’s knowledge equals opportunity. If you are skilled and knowledgeable, you will always have a better chance of standing out to recruiters or managers. It goes without saying that if you have passion for your work and a solid understanding of what you do, then no one else is going to be able to see it as you can. The best way to stand out is by being knowledgeable and having a clear vision of where your strengths are; especially when it comes to cybersecurity!

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