What are the 3 main pillars of cyber security

main pillars of cyber security

In the modern era, it’s not enough to protect your business from the ever-increasing threat of cyber security breaches. There are three main pillars that you need to make sure are in place if you want to be safe and secure on the internet. You need to make sure that your network is locked down, that your data centers are configured correctly, and that all employees are educated on security best practices. When these three things are implemented correctly, it becomes virtually impossible for hackers to gain access and steal your data or damage your system in any way. This will keep your business safe and secure online.

What are the 3 main pillars of cyber security

  • Technology
  • People
  • Policies

1) Technology

Technology plays a huge role in cyber security and is often one of, if not THE biggest areas organizations focus on. Keep your anti-virus software up to date, and make sure all your staff members have been trained about what constitutes a phishing email (fake emails designed to get users to reveal sensitive information such as passwords or credit card details). Change passwords regularly, don’t use weak passwords that are easily guessable by others (e.g., password), and avoid using public computers or Wi-Fi networks to do banking online—in fact, it’s best not to do banking online at all.

main pillars of cyber security

Internet safety can also be improved by implementing firewalls, a basic but effective form of protection. Firewalls control what enters and leaves your network, in order to prevent unauthorized access or information theft. It’s important to install a firewall on your computer—which is essentially just a software program that runs continuously in the background. You can also make use of an appliance-based firewall—this means you don’t need any special software, as it’s all built into a device such as a router. Both are easy to use and should have clear instructions that come with them if you get them from an IT specialist or other qualified person. Make sure everyone in your office knows how to avoid unsafe Internet browsing.

2) People

Cyber Security is made up of many different pieces. There’s an obvious one, but sometimes overlooked one: People. If a piece of technology fails, you can always try again. But if people fail? Well, then you have a much bigger problem on your hands. Always make sure that at least one person on your team has a firm grasp on cybersecurity and is able to answer any questions that come their way related to it. Never underestimate what your employees may learn when they’re spending free time in front of their computers or phone!

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Make sure you have a designated person who will be responsible for reviewing emails, not just writing and sending them. This is especially true if you have employees in different parts of your organization around the world, or if your company works with third parties regularly. It’s so easy to click send without thinking, but with something as important as emailing sensitive information – which may include passwords and more – it’s best to make sure you’re giving people plenty of time to review and respond to messages before they send them out. If there’s a second person on your team who is able to ensure that all communication that leaves your company is safe, then you should take advantage of it! Your employees will thank you for it later!

3) Policies

Policies set standards for what is acceptable within your organization. For example, you can develop an acceptable use policy (AUP) to ensure that employees only use company computers and Internet connections for legitimate business purposes and not to access social media sites or check personal email. It’s also a good idea to have a code of conduct that describes how employees should interact with each other and customers, vendors, and third parties—including anything from dress code policies to substance abuse policies. Of course, written policies are no substitute for a good employee handbook detailing everything from vacation time to performance evaluations.

You should also educate your employees about company policies. Providing training on proper handling of company equipment and information is essential to keeping data safe, as is regular ongoing training. Providing incentives for meeting and surpassing privacy standards may also motivate users to be more careful with their actions. For example, a software company can encourage its employees to take extra steps such as using complex passwords and encrypting sensitive data by offering perks like extra vacation time if they’re promoted to senior positions. Employee education can take place at in-person meetings, through newsletters or email, through HR programs and training materials, or through other means of communication that best fit your organization’s size and culture.

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